The Local Governing Body (LGB) of All Saints’ CE Primary School is a group of volunteers who are committed to ensuring the school’s success.

All Saints’ governors: here 5 are present in person, and 2 virtually!
There are 12 positions:
Category |
Number |
How appointed |
Representing |
Parent Governors |
2 |
Elected by parents of children at the school |
All Parents (however, Parent Governors make their own decisions; they are not delegates) |
Head Teacher |
1 |
Ex- officio |
Staff Governor |
1 |
Elected by the Staff |
All Staff (but the Staff Governor makes their own decisions and is not a delegate) |
Trust Governors (one is the All Saints Vicar or Curate) |
5 |
Appointed by the MAT (except for the Vicar or Curate, who is ex-officio) |
The Church and Diocese. Trust Governors help to ensure that the School’s Christian ethos is maintained. |
Co-Opted Governors |
Up to 3 |
Invited by LGB; appointed by the MAT. One is a ‘Young Governor’ aged 18-25. |
The LGB Chair of Governors is currently Dr Rachel Wood, who can be contacted via the school on 01638 662835 or admin@allsaints.suffolk.
The Governors hold two full LGB Meetings each term, and there are also a number of sub-committees which carry out the work of the LGB:
- Finance & Personnel Committee: oversees budgets and staff
- Premises, Health & Safety Committee: oversees Health & Safety of the school site and any necessary works to the building or grounds
- Admissions Committee: reviews all applications to the school and offers places, following the appropriate year’s Admissions Policy
In addition, individual governors have specific monitoring responsibilities. The sub-committees and individual governors all report back to the full LGB.
Governors with other Roles:
Miss Hammond (Head); Mrs Macro (Y2 Teacher); Dr Wood (trustee of All Saints Under Fives Preschool, Y6 Booster Group leader)
Could you be our next Parent Governor?
You need no special qualifications to be a Parent Governor – the most important thing is to have a keen interest in our school and a willingness to play an active part in ensuring that all our children get the best possible education. You must have a child at the school when you first become a Parent Governor. As a Parent Governor your input will be very valuable to the school – but the role will also allow you to develop a deeper understanding of how education works for all children at All Saints’ – including your own!
If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please contact Miss Hammond or the School Office, who will let you know if there are any vacancies. Anyone wishing to be a Parent Governor will be asked to complete the Nomination Form (below). The form will require you to:
- write a short statement (up to 80 words), giving details about yourself, your views and the skills you can bring to the role. If a number of parents wish to fill a governor vacancy, there will be an election, and your statement will be included on the voting paper.
- declare that you are not disqualified from serving as a governor for any reason described in the Parent Governor Terms for Disqualification (below). If any grounds for disqualification ever arise, then a person would automatically barred from being a governor and their appointment would end immediately.
For more information, please see our All Saints’ Parent Governor Information Leaflet and check the Parent Governor Terms for Disqualification (below).
- Parent Governor Nomination Form
- All Saints' Parent Governor Information Leaflet
- Parent Governor Terms for Disqualification