Key Information Finder
This page is intended as an aid for anyone who wishes to check that our website complies with government guidance.
The checklist below is based on What academies and further education colleges must or should publish online - GOV.UK. Clicking on the links will help you to find the relevant information quickly and easily.
- Admission arrangements
- Annual reports and accounts
- Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policies
- Charging and remissions policies
- Complaints policy
- Contact details
- Curriculum
- Ethos, Vision and Values
- Executive pay
- Governance information
- Memorandum and articles of association
- Names of trust members and academy trustees
- Business & financial interests (members, trustees, accounting officers)
- Business & financial interests (local governors)
- Funding agreement
- MAT governance arrangements
- Loval governance arrangements
- Scheme of Delegation
- Inspection reports
- Pay gap reporting
- PE and sport premium
- Public sector equality duty
- Pupil premium
- Remote education
- School hours
- School uniform
- Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Test, exam & assessment results